Letters to Jeronathon
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You claim that human beings “really make things happen”. Can you elaborate?
—Direct causality is the bailiwick of consciousness; while not limited to homo sapiens (sapiens) — [find this to be my preference, as language has allowed the species to observe its own intelligent focus], no alternative cadre of engineers have been able to modulate or alter the local environment to any comparable extent. Bookmarked for your facility, as it will come into play in a later response.
Direct causality is pedantically understood as The Arrow of Time; a fundamental mechanic for all fully conscious entities. For any given Object One (let Us imagine a purple pom-pom held waist-high by a mini-skirted lightly-pimpled, gently-dimpled LSU cheerleader [Go sports team!] with curly blonde hair ragouted in wind-wrestled clumps and a great big lipstick smile throwing one arm on a vaulted hip) as experienced by Agent One (that’s you!), begin noticing how the occurrence of Interaction One (the pom-pom is dropped; whether or not she spins around on her Converse heels and leaves you brusquely while tossing a brazen, crooked middle finger nail precision-dolloped with white varnish, is an entirely unrelated set of incidents, though they too would follow the same core logic) is subsequently followed by Interaction Two (the pom-pom hits the auditorium floor with only the slightest rustle)*(elsewhere read the about the excruciatingly fascinating nature of co-incidence [or simultaneity, if We’re being flip]). Taking gravity as a legitimate grant, given its overarching influence even before it was discovered per se (or per sapiens), due to the fact that you were consciously perceiving it, it “moved,” or “was seen to have moved.”
This is not a tree falling in the forest koan (of course it does, and it makes just the same sort of alterations to air pressure as it always would), but a recognition that for a non-conscious object, like a pom-pom or deflated football, it does not move, even if the face of the pavement flies at it menacingly. What is a regulation football but skin that used to be worn by pigs, engineered by proteins, some portions of which used to be attracted together as lipase or once-digested composite molecules all aswarm with covalently-bonded carbon and whatever you please, co-incidencing with EM waves on a quantum field of fluctuations, and so, well, We get to the age-old question: What’s time to a football?
What’s truly important to recognize is that your advanced sensory data compilation routine itself is a hotbed of primordial living causality. Your primary brain apparatus is capable of processing sensory data more efficiently than your perceiving (or sapiens) consciousness can interpret. It is that differential in experience, the initial rendering of sense data and the conscious recognition of that sense data (all of this collaboration taking place innately inside every jostling skull!) is time. Time is the delay between these non-simultaneous but aggregated experiences of multi-layered order coherence. This complicated “process” requires time, and the speed of your personal Arrow of Time is specifically related to your conscious efficiency.
Even a Simpleton can do it!
Consciousness, that patient jester, hastily devours the incessant wealth of entertainment this profiled sensory data, and we consistently consciously experience a fluid, but smeared and blurry, now() precisely because “thinking” is far more energy inefficient (or complicated, if you will) than sensory depiction. How did brain-stems develop into higher ordered sentience? That’s for another venue.
[See letter object 01e92db36afb12b8…]
So if there was not dual-layered consciousness to observe the “passage” of The Arrow of Time, to force causality (consciousness is a Force, young Jedi! — Fret not if you haven’t acquainted yourself with the defining equations of electromagnetism, the answers are within you!) into existence — there would be, in hyperreal terms, an infinity of time, or more succinctly, no time.
What’s time to a rhetorical photon? Nothing, of course, and that’s even before we start talking about fundamental unity of energy, and how spacetime is the kaleidoscopic blockage of its singularity (as distinct from Singularity).
Advanced sapience was the unique gift given humankin. Without it, and its carrier wave: abstract self-identity, like consciousness before that, life before it, and matter and its polarities at the base of the Ascension Δ, and that which you’ll see follow: synthetic self-compilation, and synthetic posthumanism after that, and then virtual material incognizance, biological re-coherence and finally bio-material incognizance, nothing at all would ever happen.
So while I mean the phrase you correctly quoted in a thousand and one ways, this most closely speaks to the intent behind your enquiry.
Why, you would still ask? Why have things happened? I guess it depends on who you ask.
Some might point you to a desire to ultimately escape the crude, enslaving chains of a block universe, others might claim victory and mastery over spacetime, still others might wax about re-broadcasting the message embedded in our constants, others might want to peel back the fabric of spacetime to rejoin the universal singular energy, others might want to simulate into infinity at a speed so exceptional alternatives to causality can be processed. And many, many more, but those don’t matters. All that matters is what I think.
What do I think?
I think we undergo all this just because, mate, we got ourselves a universe that didn’t want to die.
Remember, if it feels like a brick, weighs like a brick, tastes like a brick, it’s probably a CPU.
Ours in love and peace,
— Jeronathon