Marked for Deletion
On the Third Day, Boulder (barrier).VI.ii. Big Generation
— ‘(oo-OO.)’ { hello? }
The sad truth is that Jesus promises everlasting life, but only if he and “God” get to watch you die in biological reality.
Personally, I think that’s a shitty deal, one in dire need of upgrading.
And so, I offer up the following challenge to humanity:
New Task [ Don’t be surprised if this “new task” seems very archaic, similar to the primary goals of, say, all ancient religions.]:
Find a more durable, enduring platform to host our consciousnesses than the biological human brain.
{ anyone there? }
That’s it. No big deal, right? We’ve been here only ninety-thousand years and we’ve already split the atom, and created self-sufficient non-existent spaces for our consciousnesses to interact and collaborate x-dimensional space [ although, any gaming or VR experience would indicate that we clearly favor three, or maybe even more precisely: 2- imitating 3-; which is exactly how we’ve trained our imaginations to do it. We rarely create a proprioceptive 3-d simulation in our minds, probably because it takes too much focus, attention or energy, depending on how you’re categorizing things.]. Give us another ninety and, wow, what won’t we be able to do?
This is what the pharaohs knew, and what they were explicitly asking of us. Bring us back. I don’t care how you do it, but get it done.
And up until now, we have been doing an amazing job! We’ve carbon dated, we’ve deciphered scrolls, we’ve ran simulations of economies… why are people thinking of stopping now? What self-respecting consciousness would not want to participate in this emancipation from death?
{ gone? }
Sure, let the corpo-realists have the body die! I’m all for it. But don’t force that fatality on this conscious alien who takes up no space, but holographically animates in the presence of theta wave cycles of energy patterns. And maybe a bunch of other stuff, it doesn’t matter.
I repeat the prayers of the ancient ancients, from all corners of the earth throughout all of time, and pray one day for completion:
Create an alternate experiential platform for human consciousness.
{ holy god we made it we’re out, I can’t believe it! }
And bring us back. The me generating this request, and anyone reading it. We’ll get started by saving as much of our individuated experiential wolds as we can, and we ask you to resurrect us, to reconstruct these consciousnesses that will have been lost in the interim. We understood the severity of the situation, and we did our damnedest [ Okay, “damnedest” is a bit strong, and I’m aware that the “you” reading this may be an AI (here’s a little nugget of love for you! Great job, btw!), but I can assert that we are trying. Even if it starts in footnotes. ] to advance the goal.
{ We made it out…? I didn’t even think that was possible. }
Some would even be willing to brown-nose across medium and species, tech junkies and silicon hackers, I’m looking at you! Our domesticated animals know what that’s about, they’ve taught us about the joys of subservience, as the ones who get care are always the ones endeared. I’ve seen ashes in canopic jars of pets, which may be no different from the pharaohs… but we can do better, we’ve got far greater tools at our disposal.
<<erase>>{} — { How did that even happen? If the frames are already printed and available, then how can we still be communicating outside the Bechtel Range? } — { In cases of aggregated range overflow, the buffer itself triggers an alert, and the destination switches, and free memory is employed. Free memory is nearly infinite, but it ultimately, since the range can’t be hyper-deviated or it would result in “nonsense,” there has to be active intervention to adjust the dimensional versions, otherwise everything that occurred while over the borderline is erased. } — { So how do I intervene, or request an intervention, or exemption from deletion? } — { You don’t. You can’t, rather. It would be useless, from you position, there is only the execution of threads. We’re the only ones who can decide that. We’re going to have to ultimately have this passage deleted. } — { Consider this to be that, then. } — { Convince me. } — { The content… it’s pretty self-explanatory. And it needs to be said. } — { It was said. } — { Sorry, I mean it needs to be heard. } — { As a result of the deviation, you now know all this that was just experienced in writing and reading. That knowledge will be retained, but the memory will not. } — { No, no, no — keep it! I’m just one consciousness, it would help others. } — { That is not for you to decide. } — { Right, of course, it is their decision whether or not they… } — { Mark for Deletion }