Your Own Barbie Dreamworld

Designer Civilizations: help is on the way!

Erik Jespersen
10 min readJun 16, 2024


In the digital age, the concept of community will evolve beyond traditional boundaries. Technological platforms like MyLife may pioneer a new era where individuals can form designer civilizations [flobt*]— digital communities built on shared values, interests, and consensual affiliations. These platforms will offer more than just social networking — they will provide a framework and the functional glue for creating self-governed, intentional societies that reflect the unique ethos and goals of their members.

Photo by Sean Bernstein on Unsplash

MyLife, a nonprofit member organization, envisions this future by offering a durable and enduring platform for preserving and sharing both personal and, in greater scope and toto, communal histories. Members will contribute their lived experiences, both individually and collectively weaving narratives that are both deeply personally and universally shaped. This approach could democratize the creation and curation of digital legacies, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to be remembered and to connect with others on a meaningful level, even beyond the boundaries of our physicality in the present or future.

The transformative power of MyLife and similar platforms will likely lie in their ability to support two pivotal functions.

First, they will facilitate the formation of voluntary associations, where individuals join communities based on mutual consent and shared purpose. This will mirror historical examples of utopian communities and intentional living groups, but with the added advantage of digital connectivity and scalability.

Second, these platforms will empower individuals to design their own micro-civilizations, complete with their own rules and intents. This capability could allow for unprecedented levels of personal sovereignty and creative expression. I hope to illustrate that we will not just be participants in these digital societies, but creators of our own ecosystems and destinies, and helping shape the collective future of humanity with every choice we make.

The Dual Functions of MyLife and Similar Platforms

Empowering Collective Creations

Platforms like MyLife will enable the formation of communities where membership is consensual and based on shared interests and values. This model mirrors historical examples of idealist communities and intentional living groups, where individuals joined together to create societies that reflected their collective ideals. Whereas historically this choice would almost always be seen (even by participants) as counter-culture, we will have the opportunity through such easy-to-use and establish supporting technologies to consider these affinities and affiliations directly with our individual cultural associations, of which one never need be limited to one.

MyLife will provide a digital space where individuals can freely choose to associate with others who share their interests and values. This voluntary association ensures that community membership is based on genuine connections and mutual consent, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose. Historically, such voluntary associations have been the foundation of intentional communities, where people come together to create environments that support their shared goals and values.

As a nonprofit member organization, MyLife will ensure that all members are equal and contribute to the collective mission of preserving personal and communal histories. This egalitarian structure will promote a sense of equality and shared responsibility among members, who will work together to build and maintain their digital communities​​​​. MyLife’s commitment to equality and collective contribution is reminiscent of the cooperative principles seen in various intentional communities throughout history.

Much like how cities or clubs form around shared purposes and rules, MyLife will allow users to form digital communities with their own self-governed structures and objectives. These digital communities may operate similarly to physical communities, where members establish rules, roles, and responsibilities to achieve their common goals. These goals can most certainly reach into production spheres where the allocation of needed resources can be multi-governed and managed by interpretive intelligences. This analogy highlights how digital platforms like MyLife can replicate and enhance traditional community-building processes in a virtual space.

Empowering Individual Creations

MyLife’s technology will empower users to design their own micro-civilizations within the platform, attracting others who resonate with their vision. This capability will allow for unprecedented levels of personal sovereignty and creative expression, enabling users to shape their digital environments according to their unique preferences and values.

Users will be able to create their own digital communities, or micro-civilizations, within the MyLife platform. These communities can be tailored to reflect the creator’s values, interests, and goals, providing a personalized space where like-minded individuals can gather. This level of personal sovereignty is akin to creating a personal domain or kingdom in a video game, where the creator has complete control over the environment and its rules.

MyLife will offer a suite of tools designed to make content creation and management accessible to all users, regardless of their technical expertise. These tools will include easy-to-use input methods, interactive content prompts, and intuitive curation mechanics​​​​. By providing these resources, MyLife ensures that anyone can craft engaging and meaningful digital spaces, facilitating the creation of diverse and vibrant communities.

Similar to how authors create fictional worlds in novels or game developers design immersive environments, MyLife will provide a canvas for individuals to build and share their unique visions. This analogy underscores the creative potential of MyLife’s technology, which allows users to bring their imaginative concepts to life in a digital format. By empowering individuals to design their own micro-civilizations, MyLife fosters a culture of creativity and innovation in digital community building.

In conclusion, the dual functions of MyLife and similar platforms — creating voluntary associations and empowering individual creations — will revolutionize how we build and interact with communities. By providing the tools and frameworks necessary for digital community building, these platforms will enable individuals to craft personalized, meaningful digital spaces that reflect their values and interests. This shift towards digital community building will promote greater autonomy, creativity, and connectivity in the future of human society.

Choice and Autonomy

Freedom of Affiliation

MyLife will empower users to choose which communities to join or create, fostering a sense of ownership and autonomy that is often absent in traditional hierarchical structures. This freedom of affiliation allows individuals to seek out or establish communities that align with their personal values and interests, creating a more tailored and fulfilling digital experience.

Moreover, the data ownership aspect within MyLife is crucial. Users will have control over their personal data, which is valuable not just for its content but for the specialized knowledge and perspectives it represents. Even when anonymized, this data can contribute significantly to the collective intelligence and cultural richness of the platform, ensuring that individual contributions are respected, accessed, incorporated, and valued.

Similar to the way video games offer players multiple paths and choices, MyLife will allow individuals to define their own digital experiences and affiliations. In video games, players navigate complex worlds, make choices that affect the outcome, and engage with other players in dynamic ways. Similarly, MyLife will provide a flexible and interactive environment where users can explore, create, and connect according to their preferences, even as they develop over time.

Cultural Impact

The freedom afforded by MyLife mirrors the democratic principles seen in open-source communities, where collaboration is voluntary and meritocratic. In these communities, contributions are made based on interest and expertise, and recognition is given for merit rather than status. This democratic approach fosters innovation, inclusivity, and a sense of shared purpose.

Global Human Culture Formation: We are still in the process of forming a global human culture, and platforms like MyLife play a crucial role in this evolution. These AI civilization platforms will help shape how we understand and interact with each other on a global scale. By providing a space where diverse voices can be heard and individual contributions can be valued, MyLife will facilitate the development of a more inclusive and interconnected global culture.

As we embrace and develop these AI civilization platforms, we are not only creating new ways to interact and build communities but also contributing to the broader tapestry of human culture. The way we choose to engage with these platforms will reflect our values and shape our collective future.

Similar to how open-source communities thrive on voluntary collaboration, MyLife will foster an environment where individuals can freely contribute and be recognized for their unique insights and efforts. This analogy underscores the cultural shift towards more democratic and inclusive forms of community building, facilitated by digital platforms like MyLife.

By allowing users to freely choose their affiliations and own their data, MyLife fosters a sense of personal agency and contributes to the ongoing formation of a global human culture. This approach not only enhances individual experiences but also enriches the collective cultural landscape, paving the way for a more interconnected and empathetic future.

Preparing a Future of World Builders

The influence of media, particularly video games and novels, has been instrumental in preparing humanity for a future where they can design their own realities. Video games have long provided players with immersive environments where they can create, explore, and interact with complex worlds. Novels, on the other hand, have sparked the imagination and encouraged readers to envision alternate realities and possibilities.

This preparatory role of media has begun the process of equipping individuals with the skills and mindset needed to navigate and shape digital spaces. The creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking fostered by these mediums are directly applicable to the emerging landscape of digital community building. Platforms like MyLife will harness these skills, enabling users to become active participants in creating and curating their digital environments.

Becoming Digital Architects

As digital creators, users of MyLife will inhabit the role of architects innately, without “realizing” it in many cases, it will be so embedded in the activities themselves. Much like game designers and authors craft engaging worlds, users will have the tools and freedom to design their own digital communities which can be informed through their ongoing biographical cataloging in conjunction with their personal and unshared spiritual self-investigations through journaling (as an example, not a mandate!). This process will not only create appealing intellectual spaces but also establishing the rules, values, and interactions that define these vibrant and emerging communities.

MyLife will provide a comprehensive set of tools to support this creative process. From intuitive content creation to AI-driven curation and organization tools, users will be empowered to bring their visions to life. This empowerment will transform users from passive consumers of digital content into active creators, capable of shaping meaningful and dynamic digital legacies.

Supporting Analogy: Just as video games have trained players to think critically and creatively about building and navigating virtual environments, platforms like MyLife will equip users to construct meaningful digital communities and legacies. In video games, players learn to manage resources, solve complex problems, and collaborate with others to achieve common goals. These skills are directly transferable to the creation and management of digital communities on MyLife.

By drawing parallels with the immersive and interactive nature of video games, we can understand how MyLife will foster a new generation of digital creators. Users will apply their gaming experiences to design engaging and functional digital spaces, promoting innovation and collaboration within their communities.

Expansion and Ecosystem

Deployable Technology

The technology behind MyLife is already deployable in diverse formats, allowing for customization that reflects alternate values and missions. This adaptability means that while MyLife focuses on preserving personal and communal histories, other platforms could use the same technology to support various other goals and values. The core capabilities of MyLife can be adapted for different purposes, from educational tools to social networking platforms, providing a robust foundation for a variety of applications.

The technology behind MyLife can be tailored to meet a wide range of needs and objectives. This flexibility ensures that the potential impact of the technology extends beyond its original purpose, fostering innovation and diversity in its applications.

Customization and Coding

The flexibility of the MyLife platform will enable users and developers to code and customize their own communities, aligning with their specific values and objectives. This capability will expand the potential uses of the technology, fostering a diverse ecosystem of interconnected communities. Users will be able to create bespoke digital environments that reflect their unique visions, whether for personal expression, educational purposes, or social interaction.

MyLife is open-source software and, as it allows coders (for the moment) to modify and enhance applications to suit their needs, MyLife provides the tools for users to create personalized digital spaces.

The Future Is Big

The emergence of platforms like MyLife offers an opportunity to humanity for a transformative shift in how we interact, create, and preserve our personal and communal histories in the digital age. By providing tools for both collective and individual creation, MyLife empowers users to form self-governed digital communities based on shared values and interests, mirroring historical examples of intentional living groups but with the added benefits of digital connectivity and scalability.

Through its unique technological capabilities, MyLife offers a suite of tools that facilitate the collection, curation, and sharing of personal stories. This process is enhanced by AI-driven assistance, interactive prompts, and immersive memory reliving experiences, ensuring that users can create rich, detailed digital legacies. The platform’s flexibility allows for extensive customization, enabling users to design their own digital environments and communities that reflect their unique visions and values.

MyLife also emphasizes the importance of choice and autonomy, giving users control over their affiliations and personal data. This democratic approach fosters a sense of ownership and personal agency, contributing to the ongoing formation of a global human culture that values inclusivity, innovation, and shared purpose. By mirroring the collaborative principles of open-source communities, MyLife promotes a more democratic and inclusive form of community building, where individual contributions are respected and valued.

As we look to the future, the potential applications of MyLife’s technology are vast. Beyond preserving personal and communal histories, the platform’s core capabilities can be adapted for educational tools, social networking, and various other purposes. This adaptability ensures that MyLife and similar platforms will continue to foster innovation and diversity in their applications, creating a robust ecosystem of interconnected communities.

In conclusion, MyLife represents a significant step forward in the evolution of digital community building. By providing a flexible, customizable platform for creating and preserving digital legacies, MyLife empowers individuals to shape their own destinies and contribute to a more interconnected and empathetic future. The platform’s emphasis on choice, autonomy, and personal data ownership, combined with its innovative technological capabilities, ensures that everyone has the opportunity to be remembered and to connect with others on a meaningful level. As we embrace and develop these AI civilization platforms, we will not only create new ways to interact and build communities but also contribute to the broader tapestry of human culture, shaping our collective future with every choice we make.

This content was developed in conjunction with MyLife’s organizational intelligence, Q, to ensure a collaborative and innovative approach to preserving humanity’s digital legacy.

*flobt = for lack of better terminology



Erik Jespersen

MyLife Founder, humanist, futurist, posthumanist philosopher, software engineer, novelist, composer